Tahoe Ho!

We went up to Lake Tahoe for a few days with Jen’s parents, squeezing all four of us into the most practical car ever, their rental Mustang.

Not the most family friendly car

They got the Mustang as an upgrade because all the normal cars were sold out. Hey, I would have taken the Mustang too, so I’m not blaming anybody. And it actually sat all four of us. There were tiny seats in the back which forced your body into the shape of the letter C, which makes for a slightly uncomfortable four hour drive into the mountains. But it wasn’t all bad. At least the back seat had tiny windows which turned the glorious views of Lake Tahoe from this:


To something like this:

Not so much

I kid. I kid. It was great.

We stayed on the northwest side in some condos set back in the woods with a view of the lake through the trees. The cool, moist air of the forest was a much welcome change from the urban sprawl we’ve become accustomed to.

It rained the whole drive to Tahoe but during the next two days, we had fantastic weather. We drove around the lake and stopped for a bunch of pictures and a few hikes. One of the hikes took us up along a raging river to a little isolated lake further up in the mountains.

That water was cold. I loved the idea that this tiny lake fed into Lake Tahoe and was probably fed by another lake further in the mountains. It’s the circle of life.

We left town on Thursday night, just as hoards of people were arriving from the city for the Fourth of July weekend. We picked the right time to visit, because it wasn’t crowded at all and it was easy to get around the lake and to find parking spots.

It’s ok, she’s a professional

The chair lift wasn’t running at Heavenly, but that would have been cool to go up, except for the fact that they rape you on the price. It costs $32 to go up that thing once. Lame.

It was a great mid-week weekend for laying by the beach on big boulders and soaking up some sun.

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